Monday, January 14, 2008

peter lougheed at the university of alberta.

Former Alberta Premier Peter Lougheed will be speaking at the University of Alberta tomorrow.
Merv Leitch QC Memorial Lecture - The Honourable Peter Lougheed: Is Canadian Federalism Working?

The Honourable Peter Lougheed PC CC QC will deliver the Merv Leitch QC Memorial Lecture on the topic, “Is Canadian Federalism Working?”

The lecture will take place on Tuesday, January 15, 2008, from 12 noon to 1 pm in Law Centre Rooms 231/237. A light lunch will be served.
It should be an interesting talk and I'm planning on checking it out.


  1. I get thirsty when I don't drink water.

  2. The Honourable Peter Lougheed: Is Canadian Federalism Working?

    Why does the UofA insist on having these political figures talk about the subject to which they are far far the least qualified?

    When you think of Lougheed you think of a great many things... faking opposition to Trudeau, sucking up to Trudeau... "how federalism works properly" doesn't quite rank.
