Monday, April 6, 2009

alberta budget 2009: 15-year deficit special edition.

I was lucky enough to get a ticket to watch tomorrow's provincial budget announcement from the Public Members Gallery in the Alberta Legislature, and as previous years (2008, 2007, 2005), I will be reporting back with my thoughts, critiques, and analysis of the 2009 Alberta Budget soon after the announcement.

Also, in a pre-budget action, Greenpeace has buried $600 on the grounds of the Alberta Legislature to protest the $2 billion that the provincial government is spending on Carbon Capture Storage.



  1. Looking forward to your annual budget post, Dave!

  2. There are dozens of people scowering the Leg grounds for the money as I write. My coworkers and I are watching them from the third floor in our Minister's office. Silly Greenpeace. Good entertainment for the lunch hour.

  3. Let's get the $600!April 6, 2009 at 11:25 AM

    Clue #1: Because CCS is a backwards technology, we've buried the $600 on the back side (south side) of the Legislature!

    Clue #2: Because we hope the government will invest in renewables like Solar power, we've buried the money where the sun rises each day.

    Clue #3: Because the gov't needs to SPRUCE up its plans for the budget and invest in people and the environment, we've buried the $600 near the only carbon sequestration system we want to see in this province: trees!

  4. The money is near spruce trees on legislative grounds according to Mike Hudema's Facebook status.

  5. Innovative PR! Great strategy!

  6. If I find it I'm going to donate the $600 to the PC Party!

  7. Last clue! It's a two-parter: Because CCS has more holes than solutions, we've buried it next to the Lois Hole memorial garden. Part 2: N 53 31 '59.2 W 113 30 '19.8

  8. Great strategy by Greenpeace. Get everyone to dig holes on the legislature grounds, thereby releasing the carbon dioxide fixed there by the grass. Genius. About what I would expect from Hudema and his crowd.

  9. High five, Anon 1:41. We can't let Greenpeace ruin our environment with those couple dozen holes. How dare they! And it's not like they're protesting anything important, just a couple thousand million dollars being spent on an unplanned and opaque project. But really, I'm just upset about the carbon dioxide the holes in the Leg grounds are releasing.

  10. News flash! -- There is growing speculation that these holes may have been caused by Ralph Klein's global warming theory! Further investigation will be undertaken - at taxpayers' expense, of course.

  11. Re: Alberta Health and "Wellness":
    I am a frequent user of Chiropractic services and depend on it to help keep me going. De-listing chiropractic services in this budget is a foolish and short-sighted move that seriously and further deflates the confidence of the many thousands of wellness-minded Albertans. For the mere few millions that it costs to support the partial public funding of chiropractic services with an AHC "subsidy", the Alberta PC government has once again mocked users of a natural, preventive and lifestyle care option in favor of the established and very troubled and failing medical paradigm. Many of us have been watching the PC gov't. So sad, lost alot of votes on this one...AC

  12. Yes, I have had received not one, but TWO great pieces of news this week: Not only does my insurance plan (thanks a LOT, Greenshield!) NOT pay the remainder of Chiropractic treatments (after injuring my back at work 1 1/2 yrs ago), but the government now wants me to pay out of pocket the rest??? Hello? Is there anyone in the great building of Leg that is concious? Or maybe mentally capable of running this province???
