Monday, April 6, 2009

a test of the emergency trudeau alert system.

Lock up your daughters and seal the oil wells, Trudeau is coming to Alberta.

On April 26, Justin Trudeau, the Honourable Member for Papineau will be speaking at a fundraiser for delegates to the federal Liberal Convention in Vancouver.

Tonight (April 6), Michael Ignatieff will be speaking at a GRAND EVENING fundraiser in Calgary for the Michael Ignatieff Leadership Campaign (sic).

On April 14, Edmonton-Strathcona MP Linda Duncan will be hosting a Town Hall forum on Health Care with guest speakers David Eggen (Executive Director of the Friends of Medicare & former MLA for Edmonton-Calder) and Winnipeg-North MP Judy Wasylycia-Leis.

On Saturday, April 4, Matt Altheim announced his intention to run for the Conservative Party nomination in Edmonton-East. Current Edmonton-East MP Peter Goldring has spent 12 years in Ottawa since defeating Liberal MP Judy Bethel in 1997.


  1. You scared me for a moment until you clarified it was Justin. He comes here all the time for Canadian Avalanche Association fundraisers - it's almost like Alberta (well Banff, anyway, which is almost like Alberta) is a second home for him. I had visions of a zombie Pierre lifting the wallet from my back pocket before commencing to gnaw on my brain.

  2. Trudeau, Liberals, and socialists. It's an invasion!

  3. There are two candidates rumored to be organizing in Edmonton East against Goldring. Altheim is one.

    Is Ray Martin running for the NDP again?

  4. Ray Martin is yesterday's man. The NDs should nom someone new and fresh. Janice Melnychuk or Darren Bilous would be great candidates.

  5. Is Iggy still paying off his 2006 leadership debt?

  6. Ray Martin is running again.
