Tuesday, January 17, 2006

key implications of a tory victory.

Scott Proudfoot, Principal from Hill Watch Inc., has released a neat little document which outlines the "key implications" of a Conservative victory on January 23rd in the face of 13 years of Liberal governments.

Parts of the implications have to do with the Conservatives agenda and policies, and the others have to do "with how Ottawa is likely to work under the Conservatives..."

The key implications Mr. Proudfoot lists are:

- Shift of decision-making power back to Cabinet and away from Public Service;

- Some initial confusion about how decisions are being taken;

- Corporate Canada lacks history with the party and will need to establish channels with the new players;

- Expenditure review will be key initial driver of government agenda;

- Retrenchment into federal areas of jurisdiction;

- Repair mode on Canada-US relations; and

- Substantive agenda but business impact is limited with defence being the main area of new spending.

Though many of the symptoms listed in his analysis are probably felt by any incoming government, it is interesting. Check it out.

(100% props to our good friend Howard for passing this along to us)


  1. I like that article. It's beautiful.

  2. Are there any Conservatives with actual cabinet experience? I can only think of conservatives with provincial cabinet experience.
