From, the website of Edmonton Strathcona Marijuana Party candidate Dave Dowling...
Reasons to Vote Dave Dowling:
Fiscal integrity: Dave Dowling spent under $200 as a sign of fiscal integrity:
Auditor for Dave Dowling: Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton
audited the Bank of Canada!
Did the others hire their friend or relative??
Platform: Dave Dowling's is simple, two words and it saves billions:
The others : like a university text book, costs 50 to 70 $Billion$
Party Record: Dave Dowling's wants more rights and freedoms for everyone.
The others: all of them, the record of pirates! Scandal, corruption, abuse of the tax payer.
Environmental respect: Dave used less than 500 sheets of paper, less than one branch of one tree:
The others: Who knows how many forests they killed for spam?
Web sites Dave Dowling's: relevant content, lots of it!
The others: one page or a couple of pages. . . at most!
Finally, someone to represent the non-pirates of Strathcona!