Wednesday, January 25, 2006

mckenna on his way home...

That was fast.

At least he's not dithering...


  1. Imagine being a Liberal flanked between George W. and Stephie Wonder.

    All grand political aspirations aside, McKenna was probably starting to twitch at the thought.

    I know I would be!

  2. indeed. we would twitch was well.

  3. I saw someone from Washington on the news (wish I could remember his name!) who said McKenna is VERY well respected and liked in Washington. The fact that he resigned made me cheer!

    I don't know if he's a good candidate for Liberal leadership but the fact that he is leaving Harper to twist in the wind in Washington is fantastic. Harper may appoint someone who can do the job adequately, but I don't believe McKenna will go out of his way to help them. I'm all for making it difficult for Harper so this is great news.
