Saturday, January 27, 2007


I'm starting to get the hang of this "new blogger" and "new template," but feel free to drop some suggestions in my inbox if you have thoughts on how I can make this blog even better than the best blog ever it already is.

A couple of updates and thoughts...

Last week, Federal NDP leader Jack Layton swung through Edmonton. I was lucky enough to be part of a three-on-one meeting with Mr. Layton that afternoon. It was a good meeting, interesting disucussion, but he looked like he had been up since 5am (which was probably the case).

Afterwards, Layton spoke to a large group at the U of A and I think he did fairly well doing the question and answer thing. Layton's jaunt through Edmonton followed Federal Liberal leader Stephane Dion's stop at the U of A campus a week ago. I can't remember the last time Prime Minister Stephen Harper stopped by the University of Alberta...

Though my good friend may have mocked Layton's recent anti-ATM fee announcement, I actually don't think it's a bad idea (I don't think it's going to be the next election's "wedge issue," but I surely don't appreciated getting gauged $1.50 everytime I use a non-credit union ATM).

And finally, I seem to have missed the second anniversary of this blog back on January 20. Two more years! Two more years

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