Tuesday, August 2, 2005

holy schmoly! senate appointments!

Today, the gods of patronage have blessed five lucky Canadians with Senatorial tenure to 75.

The PMO released the names today of 5 new Senators.

Here's the list:

Andrée Champagne (Quebec-Tory): Former Mulroney Cabinet Minister

Dennis Dawson (Quebec-Liberal): Former Trudeau Cabinet Minister.

Hugh Segal (Ontario-Tory): Former Chief of Staff to Brian Mulroney; Former PC Leadership Candidate; and President of the Institute for Research on Public Policy.

Larry Campbell (BC-Liberal): Mayor of Vancouver; DaVinci's Inquest guy (but not as cool as Quincy).

Rod Zimmer (Manitoba-Liberal): Businessman; Liberal Bagman.

You can read their full bios here


  1. Holtopia has managed to avoid a senate altogether, much to the relief of the general populace and the consternation of pundits.

  2. hmm. yes, well, Holtopians are worldly known for being infamously ahead of the curve.

  3. Hmmmm. I didn't get my senate appointment yet again...

  4. given the mulroneyite appointments, i am suing paul martin for the cost of all the household cleaners i had to use to clean up the projectile vomiting this news provoked.

  5. true. what the heck is up with all the Trudeau and Mulroney area recycling? Those guys were voted out for a reason!

  6. This makes me sad...

  7. *tear* for democracy.

  8. *tear* for what we are witnessing - democracy dying

  9. I don't think our system is in any worse a shape than it was before. I think we've plateaued with a system that needs to be reformed.

  10. You took me out of your links. :(

  11. oops. it's fixed. It must have fallen off when we were rejiggin' our sidebar.
