Saturday, August 20, 2005

we love saturdays

Good Saturday morning (afternoon?) to you all! Saturday, our favorite day of the week is upon us and we couldn't be happier!

This week, we had wireless internet hooked up in our house, it's great. For a while, we were leaching off the signal from the U of A Law Centre, but seeing as how slow it was, this is even better.

This week, we bided a temporary adieu to a good friend of ours who is spending the next 9 months in India. She'll be working for an NGO in a central Indian city. We would be lying if we didn't say we are enormously envious of her endeavors and that we'll miss her while she's gone. But alas, at this moment she is doing better stuff than we (lounging around my house drinking coffee).

It has been 13 months since we've stepped foot out of the province of Alberta. This is the longest we have EVER gone without at least making a weeklong expedition to the BC Rockies or the Saskatchewan side of Cypress Hills. We are getting extremely antsy as it looks like we may have to wait until next May to go on our next expedition. Last summer, we spent a month piggy backing, hitch hiking, and hostelling it across the great Canadian Maritimes. It was well worth it, but we thirst for more travel. It's in our blood. It's a thirst we have found hard to quench.


  1. Yes, Saturdays are fresh. Except they are not so fresh when you spend 14 hours driving home in third gear from Osooyos!

    Anyone want to buy a mini-van?

    But seriously, we actually had a great vacation. Pigeon Lake, Revelstoke, Vernon, Courtney, Hornby Island, Oosooyoosoo, and Kelowna; they were all great! But considering the trani problems I had, it'll be fine by me if I don't leave this beautiful province for another 13 months or so.

    Incidentally, in BC, a "trani" means a person of an ambiguous sex. Of course, in Alberta it's a abrieviation that refers to an important component of a vehicle's system which cannot be fixed or replaced without providing a vital organ to the black market.

    Our cultures are sooo different.

  2. Are you auditioning for the Governor General's job with all the "royal we" voice?

  3. we figure it may not be too late.
