Monday, August 29, 2005

if we had money...

...this is what our blog would look like.

Unfortunately, the "$7 Billion" surplus we thought we had turned out to be a measly $2.8 Billion.


  1. Sure, but they only update once a month and imagine what it would look like on dial up...

  2. I find all the moving things on that site annoying and distracting. Moreover, with the short attention span of the average web-surfer (well at least with my short attention span) it's a bit painful waiting for that site to do the fancy load up animation.

    -Socialist Swine

  3. It is cool, but maybe more appropriate for a fancy shmancy product than a blog. The animation got my attention, and kept it! LOL (I must have the same attention span as Socialist Swine!) I am not a fan of the entire i-frame concept for blogs either. I like the information right out in the open rather than in some little scrollable peek-a-boo window.

    I think that you should keep your $2.8 billion surplus and invest in a Double Double and a box of bits! ;)

  4. thanks for the link. just a little info on the site, with regards to the previous comments:

    ~ the whole thing is just under 40k, which on dial-up would take less than eight seconds to load. the average html blog page is around 50-60k.

    ~ ..and the 'drawing out' takes just under two and a half seconds.

    ~ yes, my updates have been... sporadic, to say the least. but that's because people keep paying me wheelbarrows full of cash to do other things. 'tis a hard life.

    lawrie x

  5. It's a beautiful site. I'm completely useless with computer stuff so my blog looks like crap. But it's a good way to learn computer basics that I never had a reason to give a rats arse about before.

  6. i'm reading a book on flash right now that makes the claim that a flash site is lighter and faster than a purely html site, at least for graphics. hmmm....

  7. Daveberta, you are treasonous separatist. I'm going to make it the duty of the Wingnuterer to have you kicked out of the Progressive Bloggers ~evil grin~

  8. Thanks for stopping by and giving us some tips, lawrie. Much appreciated. :-)

    Zorph, you don't want to mess with the Alberta Separatist Sovereigntist! Bring it on! :-P

  9. I like the image Daveberta, not too obvious about your true evil intent. The new glass really do make you look more three dimensional, and a little more classy
