Monday, January 16, 2006

david suzuki in edmonton

Since Grant MacEwan's Students' Association has been doing a less than stellar job at publicizing this...

Dr. David Suzuki will be speaking at Grant MacEwan College tomorrow evening:

Doors for the general seating event open at 6 p.m. with the presentation beginning at 7 p.m. and a question and answer session to follow.

For tickets, contact the MacEwan Students' Association at 420-1757 or visit Tix on the Square.

We'll be there!


  1. Let us know how it goes! :)
    And to think, I actually know some of those reprobates at the SA.

  2. haha.

    yeah, we'll let you know how it goes.

  3. I have to admit that I have never heard of David Suzuki before. That kind of made me feel stupid. I figured maybe it was a relative of yours like that football player turned astronaut person a few posts back or maybe that this Suzuki had something to do with motorbikes.

    Luckily they have this thing called Google. You type in a word in this little window and you can get all sorts of information of what is out on them internets. I even found a picture of this Suzuki professor person and I guess he is a friend of yours...
