Sunday, January 29, 2006

first john manley... another potential Liberal leadership candidate drops out of the race...

No word yet if Mr. Raymaker will accept an ambassador post during the dying days of the Martin regime.


  1. I hope Belinda Stronach or Scott Brison run. A political whore and two turncoats. What a great representation of the Liberal Party. Harper shouldn't have a problem defeating those two. I saw Scott Brison on ctv question period today and the guy is a freak. His joking manner in french is pathetic. It seems you can only be a certain Liberal now in the new Liberal Party. No more opposition to gay marriage, being pro-life or believing the government shouldn't run our lives. Hmm sounds pretty inclusive to me! I'm happy to say I'll remain with Stephen Harper

  2. Well you can have Mr. Harper sir, given that the Liberals will at least let people who disagree with them observe their convention. Just like the PC's did and will do at our conventions.

  3. Well Belinda was there till she crossed the floor for a cabinet position so I guess we did allow Liberals there. I believe there was a Liberal MP at the Conservative Convention in March 2005 from Ontario because she was interviewed on CPAC and she was there on the floor. SO your assertion is incorrect! She's a hot MP with an Indian name (Dahlia) or something like that. Look it up. My friend is a Liberal and he would probably drag me to the convention if it was held in Calgary, not that the Liberals should even dare to set foot in Alberta after being thrown out of every seat in the province. They will never represent Alberta values or Western values for that matter. I wouldn't mind going just to have a good laugh at them whine about extreme right-wing values like not believing we should have abortion on demand and opposing a defintion of something. I think they should have their convention in Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver, the only places people were bright enough to vote for them in large numbers. I think they share "Liberal values" like corruption and extreme negative campaigns!

  4. woah folks. let's try to keep the partisan bickering down a litte. Emil, I believe the MP in question was Ruby Dhalla.

    As well, Emil, define "western values" and then explain to us why three out of the four western provinces regularily elect NDP Provincial governments. We believe it would be more accurate to call them "conservative Albertan" values.

  5. Dave, listen, you've just got to learn something: conservatives are ALWAYS angry, ESPECIALLY when they win.

    Confounding, yes, but true. I mean, look at how angry Republicans act in the states--railing against a type of people called "latte liberals" and the "liberal media"--when they hold a firm grip over the White House, the Senate, the House, and the Supreme Court.

    Conservatives: why can't y'all just learn to stop worrying, and be happy?

    Ooooo, ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo-ooo-ooo-we-ooo...

  6. It's not that we're angry. Its that we hate Liberal hypocrisy and lying especially when it relates to issues like human rights and tolerance. Trying to get a cheap shot at me by saying we didn't have any observers from other parties at our 2005 convention is just dirty Liberal lies. I'm acually happy. Stephen Harper is our PM and even though he has a weak minority, he is still in charge so we'll have no more dithering and flip-flopping on issues like Paul Martin. He might make a few mistakes but hey, who isn't perfect.
    To Dave: Manitoba and Saskatchewan have NDP provincially however the majority of the people believe along with Alberta in provincial jurisdiction and rights rather than the dogma of central Canada run everything and butt into provincial territory which is the characteristic of Ontario and the maritimes. I'll elaborate later on western values but thanks for naming the Liberal MP!
