Wednesday, January 18, 2006

we wish our name was paul martin...

... well, not really. But maybe Dave Duceppe or Dave Layton...

"Got a party leader's name? Hop on board, free
CBC News

If your surname is Harper, Martin, Layton, Duceppe or Harris, you could be flying high after the federal election and at no cost.

A new promotion by WestJet is offering free airfare anywhere in Canada to anyone with the last names of the federal party leaders.

The offer goes to "all Canadians who share their names with any of the contenders for Canada's next prime minister," said Bob Cummings, vice-president of marketing for the Calgary-based airline.

There are some catches in the WestJet Gets Political promotion.

The trips must be booked by Thursday at 7 p.m. MT, and flights must be taken the day after the federal election Jan. 23. Travellers also have to pay all taxes, fees and surcharges.

At least Don Martin will be getting a good deal.

1 comment:

  1. My first name is Jack is it possible I could get a discount lol.
