Thursday, May 11, 2006

democracy is...

This is where I'll be tomorrow...
A More Democratic Alberta: How do we get there?

May 12th, 2006
University of Alberta, Tory Building

On May 12, 2006, the John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights will be hosting a symposium entitled, “A More Democratic Alberta: How Do We Get There?” at the University of Alberta. This symposium is a dynamic community project which we are spearheading in partnership with: the University of Alberta; Public Interest Alberta; the Parkland Institute; YWCA Edmonton's One Woman One Vote initiative; Fair Vote Alberta; and, Equal Voice Alberta North.

The symposium will focus on democratic renewal, with an emphasis on Alberta. This issue has become a topic of ongoing debate over recent years, and the symposium aims to stimulate debate and discussion on reforming our political institutions as well as enhancing the participation and understanding of our citizens in democratic processes. Other key themes will include the enhancement of the responsibilities of elected officials, as well as addressing new ways of voting.

The symposium will provide an opportunity for interested Albertans and organizations to share and expand their understanding of the democratic deficit and devise key strategies for moving ahead. Within Alberta, there is currently no vehicle in place to bring interested stakeholders and citizens together to advance a deepening of democracy. The symposium will act as a ‘springboard’ for discussions and collaboration and stimulate future action in Alberta.
You can check out more about the conference on the John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights website.

1 comment:

  1. So jealous! My whole crew will be there, of course, but I'm stuck in Waterloo. Hope it's marvelous.
