Wednesday, May 24, 2006

elections nerd alert.

For those of you who find yourselves as election-nerd induced as myself - I've found some interesting links about Nova Scotia's provincial election on June 13...

Here you go...

Party Leaders
Rodney MacDonald - Nova Scotia Progressive Conservatives
Darrell Dexter - Nova Scotia New Democrats
Francis Mackenzie - Nova Scotia Liberals
Nick Wright - Nova Scotia Greens

Results of the August 11, 2003 Election
PC - 25 (36.33%)
NDP - 15 (31.01%)
Liberal - 12 (31.44%)
Other - 0 (1.22%)

Legislature at disolution
PC - 25
NDP - 15
Liberal - 10
Independent - 1
Vacant - 1

Election Links
- Nova Scotia Election Blog
- CBC Nova Scotia Votes 2006
- CBC Nova Scotia Votes 2003
- NS Elections Constituency Maps
- Interactive MLA Profiles
- Halifax Chronicle Herald

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