Tuesday, May 16, 2006


My yesterday:

9:00am: Meeting with Dr. Raj Pannu.
11:15am: Took part in a press conference at the Alberta Legislature opposing Bill 40 and the de-legislation of Alberta's Post-Secondary tuition policy with Dr. Pannu, Dave Taylor, Bill Moore-Kilgannon from Public Interest Alberta, and ACTISEC.
1:00pm: Media Scrum at the Alberta Legislature.
1:30pm: Nearly escorted out of the Legislature by Legislature Security for doing a media scrum in front of the Premier's Office.
4:00pm: Met with Advanced Education Minister Denis Herard.

I wish everyday could be this busy!


  1. The nerve of you to do a scrum in front of the premier's office in the legislature! Who do you think you are Dave? A Taxpayer? What do you the legislature is? Public Property?
    hahah, sarcasm. sock it to them Dave. Did you convince Raj to stay one more term before retiring?

  2. Whoa!I I made blog of the week?? That's nuts. Is it because I actually am making an effort to post every once in a while? Because I am, I've posted almost everyday for a week, almost.

  3. You forgot the celebratory slurpee at 2:30.
