Thursday, February 16, 2006

as winter jabs us in the rib...

It looks like the glorious summer of January and February 2006 is bidding us farewell...

Current forecast from the Weather Network:

Right now: -24C
With windchill: -35C

It was +8C last week. So, that's a 43C temperature change in a week.

Lord we love Alberta...


  1. No snow at least. I'm trying to see if I can go a whole winter without shoveling my driveway.

  2. It was +18C in Lethbridge a mere four days ago. Now -28C. Absolute craziness.


  3. And it's going to be back to 10C on Tuesday. That's 10C to -30C to 10C in 7 days. I nearly froze my ears off walking around downtown.

    Welcome to Alberta indeed.
