Saturday, February 18, 2006

the swiss?

Well, it looks like the temperature has risen to a balmy -10C here on the prairies...

We watched the Canada-Switzerland game this morning and all we can say is wow. Canada got wooped by SWITZERLAND! SWITZERLAND?

We didn't even know they even had an Olympic Hockey team... oh well, good for them...


  1. Canada was just plain outskated by the Swiss. :o

  2. Like it matters?

    All of these guys play in the NHL and live in Canada or the US. Many of them have dual citizenship, not to mention American or Canadian spouses. It isn't that difficult to get a US or Canadian passport if you are making six or seven figures. Anyway these Swiss (or Slovaks, Swedes etc.) take advantage of the much lower income tax rates they pay here (as opposed to their birth country) to Canada Revenue or better yet the IRS. I've got half a dozen NHL players living in my town – I don't think any of them were born in North America.

    Don't get me started on the figure skaters...

  3. Well, at least the WOMEN didn't let us down. GOLD!!! They could give the guys pointers, if need be...
