Sunday, February 5, 2006

when was the last time denmark got this much attention?

We have to admit we're amazed at the destruction that has occurred after the widespread publication of the now infamous cartoons Muhammad cartoons - originally posted in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten depicting Muhammad (click here to see the cartoons) and were republished in newspapers across Europe and in New Zealand.

Last week, Syrian protesters set fire to the Danish Embassy in Damascus and then proceeded to march 4 miles to the Norwegian Embassy (what did Norway have to do with it?). As well, the Danish Embassy in Beruit, Lebanon was burnt down by angry protesters (see more pictures here). In Jakarta, Indonesia, the Danish Embassy was stormed by angry protesters. As well, the German cultural centre and the European Union offices in the Gaza Strip were also attacked.

Though we obviously don't share the anger of the protesters (we're not finding any Embassies to burn), we agree that the cartoons did lack a certain amount of taste.

We find it very very curious that spontaneous protests of any kind could happen in strong dictatorships such as Syria. Not only does the lack of security provided by the Syrian government around the Embassies suggest silent support for the protesters actions, but it also sends a strong message to the international community about Syria's committment to protecting foreign diplomats in their country.

Is this surprising? Not really.

As well, as was mentioned by a guest caller on the CBC Radio program Cross Country Checkup this afternoon, the outrage towards the Danish people signals a huge double standard among leaders in the Muslim world - many whom called upon calm following the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York and that the western world should not blame all Arabs for the attack. Why should the Danish Embassies be attacked for the work of an individual cartoon drawer? They shouldn't.

We're not sure if any of our ramblings actually makes sense, but we would like prescribe a huge dose of "chill out" to all those angered enough to go and burn down foreign Embassies in their area.

Hopefully things will "chill out" and not let this international controversy effect the beginning of next week's Olympic Games in Torino, Italy.


  1. Dave, I couldn't agree more. Good post.

    Thanks for updating "my link" on your blogs non-politika column so quickly. Very impressive.

    Also, I'm glad to see you've got the PIA PSE conference link on your much visited blog. Are you attending the conference?

  2. If you want news on denmark re Muslims / Iraq / torture by Danish officers in Iraq search using search term Denmark.

    Denmark gets lots of attention.

    Riots in November in Denmark related to the infamous cartoons were noted in November.

  3. Ironically, the charge made in a few of these political cartoons--which I interpret as being not against the prophet himself, but against how some of the faithful think and act--has been confirmed by the actions of these violent "protestors."

    Oh satire, how I doth cherish thee and Ambrose Bierce.

    The reactions (or lack thereof) of various governments in the region display either tacit approval or a kind of vulnerability, depending on the particular state in question.

  4. indeed. God Bless satire.

    ibrett - you're welcome. and yes, I will be going to the PIA conference - i've volunteered to facilitate two of the sessions as well.

    postman - thanks for the links.

  5. Yes it is a shame...

    But, in a dictatorship like syria, These very same ppl will take to the streets to attack opposition figures... it's not about Denmark, and I doubt it's about Islam!!

    Danish embassy CAN and WILL be rebuilt again, but the damage to the Syrian image outside and to Syrians, that'll take years to heal... that's the worst part of this.. for me as a Syrian.

    Again, it is a shame...

    if u're intersted u can check my blog for responses from the Syrian Blogsphere to such events... I find it my duty to help erase the trauma of this...

    good day
