Friday, February 3, 2006

leadership rules committee created...

New news on the "other leadership race!"

Yes folks, the inevitable Alberta PC Leadership race which has been unofficially "on" for over a year.

Sources close to the Alberta Legislature have informed us that the Tory establishment has struck an "ad hoc" committee to decide the rules of the race once Premier Ralph Klein retires (it is unknown if this "ad hoc" committee will resemble an "ad hoc rainbow coalition").

Members of this "ad hoc" committee include such Tory stalwarts as PC Party President Doug Graham, PC Executive Director, former MLA and MP, and former Chief of Staff to Klein, Peter Elzinga, Provincial Campaign Chair and former MLA Marvin Moore, PC VP Finance (North) Gary Campbell, PC Budget Director Harold Milavsky, and long-time party insiders Skip MacDonald, Dave Williams, Dave Cameron, and Emmanuel (Sonny) Mirth.

It is yet to be revealed what terms of reference this shady backroom group will be operating under.


  1. hello there, have a nice day!
    We need freedom, you know?

  2. I just wish they'd get on with it. This province is a rudderless ship.

  3. Indeed. What Klein is passing off as "cruise control" is what really is a "waster oppurtunity" to do something really amazing with this province.

  4. The nine have left Minas Morgul.

