Monday, September 22, 2008

"we are concerned that the conservative campaign is importing republican campaign tactics and bush-style governance."

I'm glad to see that there are some citizens who are taking a stand against the negative campaigning in this federal election.
Bush campaign architect Karl Rove to address political elites in Toronto and Calgary - Group of citizens comes together to condemn the importation of Bush-style campaign tactics

CALGARY, Sept. 22 /CNW/ - A group of concerned Canadian citizens are coming together to speak out against Karl Rove's address this week in Calgary and Toronto. Partisan think tank, the Fraser Institute, is charging $5000-$7000 per table for Canadian elites to dine with and learn from the architect of George W. Bush's two controversial presidential campaigns. The Fraser Institute has long held connections to political campaigns in Canada. Tom Flanagan, former Harper campaign manager and author of Harper's Team: Behind the Scenes in the Conservative Rise to Power, is also a Senior Fellow at the Fraser Institute.

"We are concerned that the Conservative campaign is importing Republican campaign tactics and Bush-style governance," Andy McIntyre, an organizer of the citizens' group said. "Personal smears, voter fraud, bribery, blackmail and the politicization of Canada's justice system have no place in Canadian politics or our elections."

Mr. Rove will be speaking to the Fraser Institute at the Artists of the World Gallery, (514 - 11 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB) on September 24, 2008. The group of citizens will be meeting in Calgary at:

Memorial Park, West Side - 11th Avenue and 4th Street SW, Calgary, AB

6:00 PM - September 24, 2008

For further information: Andy McIntyre, (403) 998-8217 -; Mike Soron, (403) 923-8806 -


  1. He should be looking into things like the McLellan team's tactics in past elections and Jack Layton's advertising in Quebec.

  2. None of the Conservatives efforts would matter much if the left wasn't so hopelessly divided in Canada. This is, after all, a naturally left country (much to Mr. Harper's chagrin).

    Jack Layton won't succeed in replacing the Liberals as the opposition. He might get 45 seats at best, and a complete belly flop by Dion will still net the Liberals 65 seats or so.

    So the question becomes how best to beat back the Harper-Bush-Rove types? Obviously the Liberals will need a new leader. But that leader will need to do more than draw soft-NDP voters back in to the fold. The NDP itself needs to be absorbed into the Liberal machine.

    The usefulness of the federal NDP has been spent. Once upon a time they helped to pull Canadian minority governments in a strong social democratic direction. Of late all the NDP has done is facilitate the united right's rise to power. The NDP was great once and we have medicare, pensions and employment insurance because of that. However they have no tangible achievements in the last 30 years and have lost their purpose. "We would be slightly better than the Liberals" is an insufficient reason for the NDP to allow Harper-Bush-Rove to govern this great country.

  3. Dave; Isn't that interesting that its voting Canadians rather than just partisan bloggers who are also opposed to the type of tactics used by the Rovian Conservatives.

    Have you seen any information for date and time in Toronto?

  4. @ deb prothero,

    The Toronto event is on Tuesday September 23, at 6pm. At the Suites, One King West.

    Tickets are $7000/per 10 person table, or $1300 per couple.

    =) Let us know if something gets planned for Toronto!

  5. Karl Rove is a man who's both praised and damned for the same thing: winning election campaigns.

    Now suddenly all you "open minded" and "forward-looking" leftists get your panties in a bunch because he's giving a talk about...wait for it... winning election campaigns.

    You'll listen to David Suzuki drone on about subjects he doesn't understand like the modern economy and the driving forces behind development in Calgary urban planning, but heaven forbid somebody should hear what Karl Rove has to say about securing votes from your base.
