Sunday, September 28, 2008

coup d'état in the alberta green party.

A dramatic power struggle has erupted in the Alberta Green Party between past-Lacombe-Ponoka candidate Joe Anglin and leader George Read.

From the Green Party website:

On September 27, 2008 in Morningside Alberta, a hostile and undemocratic takeover was attempted on the Green Party of Alberta. Those responsible proposed last-minute constitutional changes, a name change, and a total transfer of power to themselves.

Though I'm sure it's less dramatic than the media release makes it sound, I can't say that I'm surprised that a group like Anglin's would and could mount a take-over of the small party.

Anglin's 'agitate, agitate, agitate' style is much different than Read's low-key leadership. After leading a group of central Alberta landowners against the construction of new transmission lines, Anglin was the most successful Green candidate in the 2008 provincial election (garnering over 20% of the vote) and has supporters from across the political spectrum in his constituency. Though a power struggle may envelope the Greens in the meantime, Anglin might just be what the Greens need to get the interest and attention of voters in Alberta.


  1. Excepting the fact that Joe Anglin's one-note has already expired, and excepting the fact that his other political views are more likely to get him shot in rural Alberta than elected, I hear that Anglin tried running with both the Liberals and the NDP in the last election and wound up with the Greens only because they were the party desperate enough to take him.

    He's trying to make a power play based on a single one-issue bump in the Green Party's numbers, and it will end quite badly for Anglin and the Greens or both.

    In other words, go for it Joe! You can do it!

  2. In the past, the leadership and executive of the party have just seemed (to me) reluctant to
    actually become grassroots, to include all these new members that came to us during the election and get organized to do SOMETHING! I am really disappointed in the lack of initiative shown by the excutive as a group.

    Alberta Greens have lost any presence we might have had in the election because there has been no follow through.

    Many people in the party actually want to kick it up a notch, so that we actually might be able to present a credible alternative to the Stelmach government in the next election, because we see the opportunity to try to fill in the void left by the 60% of the people who have noone to vote for. Some are worried that if we actually become political, we will not be "green" anymore. I say that we must become political to play in this Stelmach arena, because the rules are their rules. That does not mean that we have to "do politics" like them, but we do have to become professional and strong in order to play the game.

    I want a party that can stand up and support organizations like the Peace River Enviromental Association, and my landowner group VOCAL that is fighting a 300sq km coal strip mine and gasification plant. I want to have politicians in the legislature that we can go to for that support. The new executive that was elected yesterday is committed to trying to make that happen.
    Anyway I'm pumped. It was a long day yesterday, an exciting day, and a chance to see how people react under pressure, some good, some not so good!

  3. As a relatively new Green Party member (Alberta Greens and the national party), and as a person seriously concerned about the mounting problems regarding climate change, peak oil and economic collapse, I would also like to see the Alberta Green Party "kick it up a notch." But this has to be done in a respectful and considerate manner, following the proper democratic process. The emails I received from both "sides" over the past few days have left a bad taste in my mouth, and I'm not sure if I'll be renewing my membership.

  4. Gong show. Until the anti-Tory parties (not including the Alliance types) can come together in some kind of electoral coalition, I will continue to view folks like Reed as quixotic time-wasters.

    It's time to grow up and work together.

  5. Does anyone else not realize that Joe Anglin is a wackjob?

    I mean, for the longest time he was feuding with the editor of the Rimbey Review down here over the most bizarre things... as a member of the executive of the local NDP. Then, he either loses the NDP nomination or doesn't get approved, whatever happened there, and shows up with the Greens. Apparently he's some some of International Currency Trader - but what does he actually do besides politic?

    I tell ya, I've seen him speak in Red Deer and he seems to know what he's talking about, but nobody else even knows because he gets into monetary theory like he's the son of Milton Friedman or some sort of wacky ol' SoCred Jewish Bank conspiracy theorist... but what was he doing in the NDP?!

    Alberta Greens have a right to know: Who the hell is Joe Anglin?

  6. For more than four years, I have worked for the Alberta Greens, donating the maximum allowable in monetary contributions each year, and working locally for my local candidate. Working for hours, and not only during the short campaign period. And what did I get in return for my confidence? Nothing. Not a word. A silent leader on every issue affecting Albertans. How can anyone have confidence in a party that simply will not get their message out?
    Until they start doing that, I'm not wasting another dime or another second on them. George Read is not a leader. To be a leader, you actually have to do something. The "something" that is needed in a political leader is to get the message out, and stop betraying the membership. He just likes the title.

  7. "Gong show. Until the anti-Tory parties (not including the Alliance types) can come together in some kind of electoral coalition, I will continue to view folks like Reed as quixotic time-wasters."

    Too true.

    You know, perhaps it's an unintended 'feature' of the otherwise steep registration requirements for new parties in Alberta that makes these sorts of power struggles and attempted "coups" happen with some frequency amongst parties on the fringe, that have negligible membership and are vulnerable to 'stacking.'

    I think the Green Party is the largest such grouping to experience this. That's not saying much.

    I guess it's just as well. These folks will never amount to anything so long as they're fighting over the tiller of some rump party or another.
