Monday, September 1, 2008

federal candidates update.

I've updated my list of nominated candidates in Alberta, and here are the totals of nominated candidates across the province (that I am aware of) If I've missed any updates, feel free to post them or send me an email -
Conservative - 28 candidates
Liberal - 24 candidates
NDP - 20 candidates
Green - 13 candidates
Canadian Action - 5 candidates
Christian Heritage - 5 candidates
Libertarian - 4 candidates
First Peoples National Party - 2 candidates
Independent - 2 candidates
The Conservatives have nominated a full slate of candidates and I expect the Liberals, NDP, and Greens to round up their slates by the first week of the apparently imminent election. Though it's extremely likely that the Conservative Party will sweep all 28 ridings in the Wild Rose Province, expect most of the media attention to be focused on the race between Laurie Hawn and Jim Wachowich in Edmonton-Centre, and Rahim Jaffer and Linda Duncan in Edmonton-Strathcona.


  1. Thanks for the udpates on the upcoming Fed election Dave. I have been MIA from your blog since the AB Prov election but I will be frequenting your site for the next month and a half.

  2. The NDP have nominations pending in Edmonton-East and Edmonton Mill Woods Beaumont. Former MLA Ray Martin is the only candidate running for the Edmonton-East NDP.

  3. Hi Dave,

    My counts and list are almost identical to yours, but we were off by 1 "Other" candidate, so I double-checked ... looks like you listed James Kohut twice in Calgary Centre-North, once as CAP and once as "Other".

    I know, picky, picky ... ;-)
