Tuesday, September 16, 2008

campaign tweet.

- University of Alberta Professor David Kahane is involved in organizing a community conversation on climate change (h/t AGRDT)

- Alberta Senator and former PC MLA Elaine McCoy has some thoughts on climate change for Stephen Harper. (h/t Ken Chapman & James Curran)

- Billion dollar profits, but $1 billion is too much to protect Alberta's wetlands?

- NDP leader Jack Layton will be in Edmonton on September 20. Somewhat ironically, Layton will be speaking at the Winspear Centre -- named after Francis Winspear, who along with Preston Manning and Ted Byfield, was one of the founders of the Reform Party of Canada.

- Independent conservative James Ford versus official Conservative Tim Uppal in Edmonton-Sherwood Park. Outgoing MP Ken Epp blames the nomination process.

- Twittering leaders: @pmharper, @liberaltour, @jacklayton, @elizabethmay, @gillesduceppe.


  1. What were the numbers in Sherwood Park last time? Is there any chance that if the 2 right-wing candidates split their vote nearly 50-50 that a Lib or a Dipper could come up through the middle and win this seat? Or is it such safe Tory territory that one of the 2 neo-cons is garunteed to win?

  2. On CBC Calgary radio this morning, they were wondering where Rob Anders is. I think they said that during the last election hs was helping some candidate in BC and running a telephone bank (the last is news to me). Is he going to show up in his own constituency, you know, the one where the nomination process was not exactly open and aboveboard?

  3. Speaking of nomination processes: who nominated Jimmy Ford?

    He didn't even run in the Conservative nomination process that he's supposedly so upset about...


  4. I think it comes down to it, if your name is Jimmy Ford, you can run in whatever riding you want to. I mean, come on, that name rocks. There's not enough Jimmys out there. It's like a redneck superhero or something.
