Saturday, March 7, 2009

mayoral ambitions take off in city centre airport debate?

- Cal Nichols has stepped down as Chair of the Edmonton Oilers to lead the Alberta Enterprise Group in its fight to keep the Edmonton City Centre Airport open. AEG was created in 2007 from of the ashes of the Grassroots Leadership Group, a corporate entity that essentially existed for the purpose of providing financial backing to Mark Norris' 2006 PC leadership bid (donations to party leadership campaigns are not tax deductible, but donations to GLG were eligible for tax deductions as business expenses). AEGs current President is former PC Party Director and Norris campaign manager Tim Shipton. With support coming from many well-heeled Edmonton business types, I wouldn't be surprised to see this group become a launching pad for a Mayoral candidate in October 2010.

- Bill 19: The Land Assembly Project Area Act, introduced by Infrastructure Minister Jack Hayden, is meeting some resistance in central Alberta. Leading the charge is Green Party leader Joe Anglin, who described Bill 19 in a recent media release as "a punitive Bill that is chock-full of consequences for any landowner or citizen who would defy the Minister of Energy." Over the past two years, Anglin has led a vocal group of central Alberta landowners in their fight against numerous provincial regulatory bodies and legislation. Former Green Deputy Leader turned Progress Party advocate Edwin Erickson joined the opposition to Bill 19 in an open letter.

- Federal Conservative nomination campaigns are beginning to ramp up in Alberta. In Calgary-West, Donna Kennedy-Glans will be challenging Rob Anders (and I wish her good luck). In Edmonton-East, it appears that Matt Altheim may be mounting a nomination challenge against MP Peter Goldring. Both Anders and Goldring were first elected to Parliament in 1997.

- Arthur Kent is continuing to publicly voice his disappointment in the current PC government. In a recent blog post, the internationally-known journalist and former Calgary-Currie PC candidate wrote that he believes Alberta will only regain its economic edge "once we deal with the disadvantage of a government that lets patronage trump free enterprise, and stubbornness get in the way of common sense." Damning words from a former star candidate.


  1. Good Post. Art Kent is still a little sour after being embarressed in the last election. His ego walked into the race and he thought all he had to do was get his name on the ballot and he was a "shoo-in". When things stopped going his way, he blamed the party. I agree he can work a camera, (with a script and story)...but he does not have the chops or charisma to work a crowd. Too Bad...he cost the PC's a seat!

  2. Any thoughts on who the Mayoral candidate would be Dave? Is Mark Norris still involved with this group? You have to think that after Norris' 6th place in the PC race a few years ago Cal Nichols would want a real ringer to get behind if he does something similar for a civic election. You must be pretty familiar with the personalities on Council, and possibilities there?

  3. Cal Nichols for Mayor?

  4. Technically, once you remember what Joe Anglin's beliefs are on every other issue other than where power lines should go, it becomes relatively apparent that he has no problem forcing owners of land (or non-land alike) from dealing with numerous regulatory bodies and legislation that does the social engineering that he's in favour of.

  5. Tim Shipton was never Executive Director of the PCAA. He was Finance Director, briefly, and a Field Director. And Arthur kent is an egomaniacal, self-centred poseur - he wouldn't have lasted two weeks before Caucus kicked him to the curb. Clarify something for me Dave - are you a blogger if you just rant, ut don't allow people to comment?

  6. Anders is safe. He's built up such a strong base of support in his riding that a challenge to him is like tilting at windmills.

    That and the fact that Kennedy-Glaans is a hardcore liberal whose ideology is closer to the NDP than the Conservatives will give Rob Anders the win in Calgary West.
