Tuesday, March 3, 2009

troy wason no longer my pc mla (.ca).

I was surprised to learn that Troy Wason, the man who tried to pull Alberta's Progressive Conservative caucus into the 21st century reality of online new media, has left his position as Senior Communications Officer (Social Media) at the governing party's caucus.

Wason led the development of the interactive website mypcmla.ca and much of the social media component adopted by the Government caucus over the past year (including Facebook and Twitter).

Convincing old political thinkers of the merits of new media can be a frustrating challenge, as the very idea of ceding control of a message to an organic (and potentially disruptive) process is a completely foreign concept to many political insiders. Because of this, I hope that Wason's departure will not signal a major set back in the slow and awkward lurch of our traditional political establishments towards the interactive and engaging politics of web 2.0.


  1. I’ll add my voices to those sad to see Troy leaving this important position.

    The MyPCMLA project has been a point of real optimism for me in relation to our provincial government (which, given how intense my level of disagreement with most PC policies over the years has been, is a very significant achievement in my books).

    I, too, hope this won’t mean a loss of this new direction for our government. While it may be scary for those used to politics based on the limited communications of the past, openness, dialogue and meaningful engagement mean better democracy.

    Thank-you, Troy, for your efforts to build a better democracy for our province!

  2. That's really too bad. Troy did some great work. He will be missed.


  3. Why did Troy Wason leave?

  4. Thank you for the kind words everyone. It is truly humbling.

    You can rest assured I will continue to add my voice to the dialogue in furthering participative democracy in whatever capacity that follows from the events of the past couple of days.

    I can't say what direction mypcmla.ca will take in the future, but I will offer that I always did my best to encourage government caucus members to join the conversation.

    Be sure to look for @Imparo on Twitter.

    Warmest regards,

    Troy Wason

  5. Did Troy leave to work for the Liberals? Were Ed Stelmach and his reform machine too right wing?

  6. Good luck in the future, Troy!

  7. Also kudos to Dave for the frank, non-partisan acknowledgment of @Imparo's contribution to the conversation. Wise beyond his years...

  8. the two guys who did the most work for the alberta conservatives on the web have left the mothership. maybe this is harry strom's party after all.

  9. Many government insiders believe that Wason is no longer in his position because of Speaker Ken Kowalski's recent comments in a government focused newsletter "Insight into Government."

    To say government is filled with control freaks who are driven by fear related to loss of control is an obvious understatement. In the newsletter Kowalski referred to those who were using social media within their caucuses as "the hotshots in all your caucuses who believe they run the world - that they should just tie the laces on their shoes and remember that they are employees, not bosses. I'm looking at the bosses around this table. They do not know what's best for you, by the way."

    Well, "yesss sir Mr. Speaker," we'll be sure to bow down to you and the "bosses" and tie our laces as you pass from now on. Wake up you arrogant RELIC.

    Albertans need to remember this....

  10. Any chance that you (or anyone else) could post a copy of the Insight article where King Kowalski spouts off?

  11. "Has left his position," or was FIRED/pushed out? I'm a bit unclear on that. And by unclear, I mean totally clear. Seems that caucus (or cactus, for the spiny, sharp, uncomfortable similarities) is a bit touchy when it comes to social media. I think it's because they are scared of the lack of control. They'd have to come up with a whole new way to brainwash people. And that would take way too much time and money.

  12. Yep, there are bosses, employees, and somewhere waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy below that are elected officials. Know your role, Mr. Speaker.

  13. sadly, the 'Insight' article is in the printed newsletter that is subscription based only (It's like going back to the 80's!)... But I'm sure it will find its way onto the Internet soon.

  14. To the request to post the article. No, sorry. Can't do. That would require them to know how to use the internet to post it.
