Tuesday, March 10, 2009

one big happy conservative family in calgary-west.

Candidate nomination season has kicked off in Alberta with Ezra Levant taking aim at Donna Kennedy-Glans, accusing her of being a "Liberal saboteur" and promoting "Marxist feminism." Kennedy-Glans recently announced her intentions to challenge incumbent-MP Rob Anders for the Conservative nomination in Calgary-West.

I'm going to bet that this nomination battle is going to get much nastier before it comes to a vote.


  1. This is going to be entertaining.

  2. I was about to ask if the ridiculous ramblings of Ezra Levant would really have any sort of influence.

    Then I remembered he was commenting on a Conservative nomination battle. Of course his opinion is going to matter to those voting in that contest.

    It's sad really.

  3. I voted Liberal in 2008 and am buying a Conservative membership to support Kennedy-Glans. So is my husband.

  4. Contact Our Calgary West to challenge Rob Anders and revitalize political life in Calgary West!


  5. Yep...should be good times! I was about to blog on this, but as usual Dave, you did a great job! Check out www.fullcomment.com for Kevin Libin's interesting take in the National Post.

  6. Rob Anders needs to go. Even the upper-ups in the CPC know this.

    Ezra Levant... name rings a bell. Didn't he run some neo-con trash rag once upon a time?

  7. Gotta agree with Ezra here. All of the Liberal and NDP commenters here like her because she's their kind of Conservative: the flaming liberal kind. Not going to fly in Calgary West.

  8. Lloyd Snelgrove's Creepy GoateeMarch 10, 2009 at 4:17 PM

    Is Anders still a professional virgin? That would explain a lot.

  9. Uh.. does it not seem a little creepy to buy a membership and give money to a party you hate, just to either help your own party or, perhaps, seek to put someone in power for a party you can't support?

    Seems a little disingenous, I guess.. don't think I'd buy a Liberal or Green membership unless I thought I could actually support the party or the candidate at election time..

  10. It was odd door-knocking this riding in 08. Either nobody ever *admits* to voting for Anders, or I hit the statistical jackpot by hitting every house that truly didn't...

  11. Can someone who knows the riding describe it for me? This a riding for Iggy to target? Does voteforthe environment still exist? I was told that if I clicked on the website and voted for whom it told me to, all the environment problems would be solved forever.

    bories = boring Tories (Mr. Anders need not apply)

  12. I hate to descend to this, but I just gotta. Why the hell didn't she just keep her maiden name? If you were named Donna Kennedy, wouldn't you keep that, rather than Donna Kennedy-Penis Head. She must really love her husband.

  13. "Seems a little disingenous, I guess.. don't think I'd buy a Liberal or Green membership unless I thought I could actually support the party or the candidate at election time.."

    Says the guy who supports the parties that could win a strong plurality in this province running a full slate of fence posts.

    Try burning your vote for a decade or two and then tell me how creepy it would feel.

  14. "All of the Liberal and NDP commenters here like her because she's their kind of Conservative: the flaming liberal kind. Not going to fly in Calgary West."

    There's another kind, now?

    I mean, isn't there already a "flaming liberal" in Calgary-Southwest? Okay, okay, that isn't fair to say - he's obviously only a fiscal liberal. I mean, look at the budgets he's put forward... especially that last one. It was a doozy. ;)

    I don't see the conflict, honestly. If you're going to vote for a big-spender, deficit-creating party like the Conservatives, why not get the real thing as your MP - meaning, a flaming liberal.

  15. Does anyone wonder where Rob Anders was during the last federal election.
    Guess what he was not nursing any mystery illness.
    He was in St. Paul working for his old boss- doing the first and only job he ever had - the one given to him by big daddy Flanagan. He was the voice on the robocall claiming that Obama was palling around with terriosts.

    How much do you want to bet that he did not declare it as income on his taxes.
