Tuesday, March 31, 2009

naheed nenshi for mayor.

- Naheed Neshi has officially become Calgary City Hall's unofficial watchdog (Scott Hennig sheds a tear).

- A group of citizens based in Okotoks want to stop the City of Calgary from having a veto on the regional planning committee. They've started a petition and are on twitter @NoCalgaryVeto. The petition is hosted on the website of Jody MacPherson, who is also the Director of Communications for the University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine.

- Mark your calendars, Edmonton Litfest 2009 is being held from October 22 to 25, 2009.

- New Ward boundaries have yet to be approved, but two candidates are already preparing their 2010 campaigns for Edmonton City Council. Former Edmonton-Sherwood Park NDP candidate Brian LaBelle is planning to run in the Ward 2 area, and Transit Riders' Union of Edmonton organizer Brendan Van Alstine is planning a run in the Ward 3 area.

- The anonymous author of the Tiny Perfect Blog seems to thinks that I should be more critical of the Alberta Liberals. I guess from now on, I'll have to work extra hard to impress the all those anonymous bloggers out there.


  1. Thanks. You should pay more tribute to me on an hourly basis, I know do.

    TPB (aka Brian Mason)

  2. With strong indications that the right/neo-con side is building a very focused mayoral campaign in Calgary, I’d be hesitant to introduce additional centrist or progressive candidates for the position. I do hope Naheed runs for city council, though.

  3. Grant: Who is the right-wing neo-con running?

  4. Is Bronco going for another term? Heard someone say that Bev Longstaff and Richard Magnus might be up for another run if Bronco steps aside.

    The rift in Calgary-West could be a good opp for Bronco to run for the Liberals again. Weakened Conservatives = surprise win for the Mayor. First Calgary Liberal MP elected since 1968? Bronco could be Prime Minister Ignatieff's Finance Minister.

  5. Kyle: Donna Kennedy-Glans is going to run for the Liberals when Rob Anders gets the Calgary West Con Nom.

  6. Can we please have an agreed-upon definition of "neo-con"? Or is Donald Rumsfeld running for Mayor now.

    Naheed got some nice publicity in the paper. For free. His ego inflation rate is rising, however.

  7. @Kyle: Even if there are 2 Conservative candidates in Calgary-West, I wouldn't get my hopes up for a Liberal win. Look at Edmonton-Sherwood Park where Tim Uppal and James Ford almost perfectly split the right-wing vote and each got ~33% of the vote. The rest was split, with the NDP and Libs getting 12%. C-West you'd need that exact same split to hope to beat either theoretical Conservative candidate (and there's no indication that anyone would run against Anders).

    I also see no indication that Donna Kennedy-Glans is a Grit in disguise, other than Anders' assertions, but remember, this is the guy who thinks Nelson Mandela is a terrorist.

    Calgary-West will stay Blue.

  8. That's right, Dave, you don't want to piss off any of the anonymous crowd ...
